Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Flashback: First Kiss

Blog With Benefits posed the question today, "What was your first kiss like?" That almost makes me laugh, such was my ineptitude. Left up to me, I'd probably still be waiting for that first kiss all these decades later. 

I was 16, painfully aware of women, but brought up sheltered by parents whose idea of sex education was barking "Don't do it!" before changing the subject. I didn't know how to talk to girls, much less kiss them. 

So I'm at a dance at the KC Hall, one of the few weekend events offered in my rural community, when Amy grabs my butt. Nothing subtle about it--a full-on, full-hand grab. She's got a big spill of honey-blonde hair tumbling across her shoulders, pouty lips, a cute upturned nose. She's wearing a white sweater, jeans and hi-tops. She crooks her finger at me to follow. I've never seen her before in my life. It's a miracle my jeans didn't rip open on the spot, I stiffened so quickly.

We go outside and wander around the parking lot until we come to my car. She might be a little drunk, but I don't care. She's hot, a couple of years older than me and just radiating confidence. We go for a ride, nowhere in particular. She spins a bullshit tale about how her name is actually the same as mine, all the while I'm nodding eagerly like a flop-eared puppy, willing to believe anything she says as long as she scratches my tummy. 

We eventually make it back. It's late, and I've blown way past my curfew. We stand there making small talk, me still trying to figure out if she actually likes me likes me, when Amy simply gets tired of waiting, reaches up and kisses me. Her lips are incredibly soft, the flick of her tongue nearly pushing me to orgasm on the spot. She tastes faintly of beer. Amy pulls back, smiles and heads off to find her friends.

I date Amy occasionally for several years after that, but never get beyond second base with her. The timing never works for us, and our brief time together is pretty stormy anyway. But that first kiss, Amy's kiss, it lights a fire in me that's still burning hot 30 years later...

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