Sunday, April 9, 2017

Stupid prostate tricks part 3

So, a quick recap. I developed a nasty pain in my prostate during orgasm. My doc diagnosed me with chronic prostatitis and prescribed the antibiotic doxycycline, expecting my infection to clear up within two weeks. That two weeks turned into two months on doxycycline before he switched me to ciprofloxacin to finish the job. Folks, I have to say that ciprofloxacin did a serious number on my gastrointestinal tract. Lots of churning, lots of gas, multiple daily bouts of squirty poops of the most vile stench imaginable. And this is with probiotic supplements and eating my weight in yogurt daily. For a month I suffered this way, until, in the final week, that nasty, stabbing pain in my prostate during what should be the happiest of happy times went away.

Hooray! I once again enjoyed pain-free orgasms! For almost a month. Yes, sometime around week four, post-ciprofloxacin, the prostate pain returned. There are few things as depressing as knowing you're in for 1) pain during orgasm and 2) more nasty antibiotics. Because of the stubborn nature of this infection, my doc referred me to a urologist, henceforth known as Dr. Jellyfinger. He was disturbingly blase about my condition. But after some discussion and uncomfortable poking and prodding, gave me a prescription for ciprofloxacin. Yes, another month on that gut-destroying toxin. And guess what? A month's treatment didn't knock it out, so I'm currently on a two-week extension. If that doesn't cure it, we're considering shoving napalm up my ass to burn the whole thing out.

There's one interesting angle to all this--I am hyper-aware of my prostate these days. When I orgasm, I'm focused on my prostate. The first two, three, four contractions are fine, but once we get to, say, number five, that's when the pain starts manifesting. And it does so in a tight, fiery crescent along the right half of my prostate. Is that weird? I know exactly where this bacterial infection has taken root, and could point it out on a life-size model of my reproductive system, if such a thing existed. I'd happily trade that hard-earned knowledge for a return to the days of pain-free sex, however.

How the hell does bacteria get up in my prostate in the first place? I's not like I've been shoving anything up my urethra...

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